Gutter Ice

Why Choose Ice Cutter?

Ice Cutter is a professional device for icicle removal.

  • Ice cutter automatically removes icicles
  • Special brush system clears the gutter
  • There are multiple sensors for detecting icicles and objects in the gutter
  • Ice Cutter can also be controlled by a remote

Ice Cutter is a green product

  • Ice cutter uses 85% less electrical power than the alternative heating cable
  • Manual ice cutter doesn't use any eletrical power
  • Part of the materials used in making of Ice Cutter are recycled

Manual Ice cutter for houses

A manual version of Ice Cutter is specially designed for ease of use for smaller houses.

Ice cutter for houses

Don't worry about icicles and dirty gutters no more! The automatic Ice cutter system does it for you.

Ice cutter for skyscrapers

Icicles on sky scrapers are especially dangerous due to the high speeds a falling icicle can achieve. Construction workers working on a sky scrapers are also endangered.

European Conformity

Canadian Standards Association